About Us

Village Care Family Services, Inc. is a Non-Profit Community-Based agency specializing in providing early intervention services to children birth to three and their families from diverse backgrounds. Our main priority in providing services to children and families is supporting the family's status as the most important people in the child's life.

Village Care Family Services, Inc. provides services throughout the Philadelphia region. We provide a variety of services to children and their families in the home, school, and community settings.

Village Care Family Services, Inc. utilizes the team format of service delivery with an emphasis on the family as the team leader. Using a culturally sensitive, holistic approach, we assist families in maximizing their own unique abilities to foster every aspect of their child's growth and development.












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How VCFS Started

JMG & Associates officially became Village Care Family Services, Inc. (VCFS) in 1999. VCFS was developed based on a love of people and an interest  in helping them increase their ability to help themselves.  As an organization we have been in operation for over 14 years.  We transitioned  from a home-based operation to formal office space at our present location in 2003.  From its inception the mission of Village Care Family Services, Inc. has  been to help families recognize their power to create strategies to maximize their child’s ability to reach their full potential.  Our motto has been: “Partnering with families to build the future now.”. As we have evolved over the years, our focus has become more inclusive of conditions which affect  individuals across the generations so that our mission has been modified to connect people to knowledge and resources so that they are able to grow and thrive in every aspect of their existence.

We believe that those whom we serve deserve the best in terms of quality services provided and the ways in which they are provided.  Towards that end we have been blessed to be able to attract like-minded individuals from our administrative staff to professionals in the field. Our administrative and professional staff encompass the best in qualifications and display a high level of knowledge and compassion in service delivery accompanied by a strong commitment to our philosophy and motivation to get the job done.















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